Transparency and accountability is taken very seriously at MusicNL, it makes our decision-making process more open. We manage conflict of interest and welcome respectful commentary and questions. Should you wish to discuss or share suggestions for improvement please contact Programs Manager, Mariana at mariana@musicnl.ca 709-754-2574 ext. 4. Our job is to listen and serve you best.
Artist Development Grants totaling $263,750
Through the funding provided by Year of the Arts, we were able to support more projects in each tier. We were also able to increase the percentage rate at which each applicant was approved.
TIER ONE Ben Diamond Courtney Madison Kicker Kirk Wells Laura Penney Nerve Shack Thandi Marie Tyler Humbly The Way East De La Paz Latin Music potem Matthew Everyman Sea Dogs Joshua Parsons John Moran Alter band Allan Ricketts Pat Sloan | TEIR TWO Andrew Rodgers Jason Benoit Kitchinparti Louise Gauthier Nico Paulo Port-Aux-Poutines Trio Lyrical Ultra Far With Violet Zay Nova Jing Xia Hannah Green Mackenzie Critch Madeline Becca Bartlett Jenny Mallard Waterman and Still Ballet Mike Jenkins Albert Dalton Linda Hickey | TIER THREE Amelia Curran CLEO LEIGH Janet Cull & Decay Kellie Loder Kristan Toczko (HarpistKT) Rosemary Lawton Silver Wolf Band Winnie Churchill Ana Luísa Ramos Florian Hoefner Justin Fancy Rum Ragged Nico Paulo Colleen Power Rob Power Cabot Power Beep Bop Paige Penney |
Artist Development Grants totaling $157,500 (round 1 and 2)
TIER ONE Noah Hamilton Hierrito Onelvis Fernandez Miss Kris Adam Staple Cabot Power Dana Reid Last Ticket James Cutler Hannah Green TJ Hogan Mike Thomas This Day | TEIR TWO Baraka Ana Luisa Ramos Matthew Hender Evan Smith The Order of the Precious Blood The Harbourlight Quartet Wily Kirk Newhook Karla Pilgrim Darcy Scott Selina Boland Greta & the Goldfish The Dandelion Few | TIER THREE Jim Vivian Kelly McMichael Jamie Miller Tim Baker Natasha Blackwood Nick Earle Bill Brennan & Andrea Koziol Mallory Johnson Ol Billy Bob Boy Ian Foster Matthew Byrne Justin Fancy Peter Vance |
Market Access Grants totaling $81, 250
Swimming Shaneygannock Bud Davidge The Celtic Fiddlers With Violet Kellie Loder Ana & Eric Youngtree & the Blooms Reverend Dave CUERPOS Selina Boland Quote the Raven Rosemary Lawton | Rum Ragged Jeff Pittman Jodee + Nicole Ol Billy Bob Boy Sunflower Duo The Ballast Collective The Order of the Precious Blood Brookfield Line Youngtree and Carole Bee Jeremy Howell George Masswohl Justin Fancy Baraka | Kelly McMichael Leonard O’Neill Ian Foster and Nancy Hynes Jordan Harnum Silver Wolf Band Fortunate Ones Rube & Rake Kate Read Ana & Eric Sherman Downey Nico Paulo Matthew Hender Sherry Ryan and Maria Cherwick |
Professional Development Grants totaling $73,750.00
Jacob Critch Kate Lahey Pamela Morgan Mulberry Creek Anthony Carew Spectrum Queer Choir Daniel Fuchs Christina Smith Elita Etienne Beaulieu Ife Alaba Sarah Harris Kellie Loder | Justin Fancy Daniel Browne Kristen English Josh Chancey Carolina East Rozalind MacPhail Madeline Salter Nigel Jenkins Christine Carter Silver Wolf Band Sick Puppy Swimming Mahina Graham Rum Ragged | Darcy Scott Duane Andrews Jing Xia Rube & Rake Murray Lefebvre Jing Xia Olive MacPhail Peter Daniel Newman Quote the Raven Rachel Cousins Mary Beth Waldram Nick Earle Nico Paulo |
Artist Development Grants totaling $130,000
TIER ONE Greta Warner Nerve Shack Ife Alaba Cristina and Humberto Jenny Mallard Trio Lyrical Kathy Stock Kelsey Arsenault Summer Bennett Jamie Stone Jared Waterman Ben Diamond and Robert Humber | TEIR TWO Kelly McMichael Andrew LeDrew Sherry Ryan Jordan Harnum XIA-3 Ana & Eric Big Space Maria Cherwick and Jockey Special Cullam Bruce-Lockhart With Violet Valmy Adrian House | TIER THREE Florian Hoefner Quote the Raven Jenina MacGillivrey Shanneyganock Ptarmaggedon Kellie Loder Dave Whitty Bus People Damian Follett |
Market Access Grants totaling $40,000
Silver Wolf Band Sherry Ryan Kathy Stock Rube & Rake Ian Foster Chris Ryan Swimming | Young Tree & the Blooms Nico Paulo Sarah Hansen Adam Baxter Quote the Raven Kielley Koyote Bill Simms | Meghan Holyes Duane Andrews Fortunate Ones Jordan Harnum Kelly McMichael |
Professional Development Grants totaling $35,000
Bill Simms Tom Alteen Mark Bragg Silver Wolf Band Rosemary Lawton Ian Foster Justin Fancy Christina Smith Carter Snow Elena Vigna | Adrian House Summer Bennett Esteban Parra-Campo Jason Benoit Sarah Harris Brad Simmonds Carolina East Amy Collier-Holmes Kellie Loder LAVI-SEKS | Lawnya Vawnya Rozalind MacPhail Laughing Heart Music Paige Penney Mary Beth Waldram Peter Daniel Newman Jake Nicoll Kyla Tilley Kirk Newhook Rum Ragged |