November 29 – December 5
MusicNL are pleased to present Music Celebration Week 2021 happening November 29 – December 5, 2021. The week will be full of award presentations and showcases to recognize the diverse musical talent and music industry dedication in Newfoundland & Labrador. Click on the links below to learn more and keep an eye on our socials and newsletter as the full schedule for Music Celebration Week 2021 will be unveiled soon!
Nominee Playlist – Spotify and SoundCloud
MusicNL has curated playlists of all Music Celebration Week Nominees! Click above to listen.
Pack You Bags! – It is Time for a Music Adventure.

Travel subsidies available for MusicNL members who are traveling to Celebrate Music Celebration Week

MusicNL is please to announce JAG as our host hotel during Music Celebration Week. For more information click here.
Email Tyler @ musicnl.ca to book your stay.
One on One Wellness Sessions

MusicNL has Partnered with ECMA to provide One On One Professional Wellness sessions. These are confidential session that are offered to our members. Feeling overwhelmed? Feeling down? Feeling “not yourself”? Do you just need to talk to someone? Email Errin : wellness AT ecma.com to book your one on one session.
VOCM – Official Media Sponsor