
Music Celebration Week 2024: Sep. 4 - 7

THANK YOU for an incredible #MCW2024!
Music Celebration Week 2024

Touring (Out of Province)

This funding program is designed to increase awareness of provincially produced music at local, national, and international levels, and to present NL music as an art form and viable economic driver. Export-ready musicians touring outside of the province and expanding their market reach within and outside of Canada should apply.

Rolling Deadline:

Applications must be received at the MusicNL office no later than 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the start date of the proposed project. Late applications will not be considered. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications as early as possible. MusicNL cannot guarantee that the application will be reviewed prior to the start of the project.

This month’s deadline to submit is: Friday, February 21, 2025

Attention: Applications received after the date above will be reviewed in the next monthly Funding Committee meeting.

Funding Amounts:

Applicants may apply for up to 100% of eligible expenses to a maximum of:

Domestic Travel:
  • $1500 Solo Artist domestic travel
  • $2000 Duo domestic travel
  • $2500 Group domestic travel (3-4 people)
  • $3000 Group domestic travel (5+ people)
International Travel:
  • $2500 Solo Artist international travel
  • $3250 Duo international travel
  • $4000 Group international travel (3-4 people)
  • $4750 Group International travel (5+ people)

Through Celebrate NL, MusicNL has been provided an additional $40k to invest in programming in 2023/24 which will highlight the vital role our artists play in shaping the province’s cultural landscape.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Residence: Applicant must have been a resident of Newfoundland & Labrador for at least six (6) months prior to the application. Proof of residency may be required.
  • 2024 Annual Cap: Applicants will be limited to a maximum annual funding amount of $5,000 for solo artists, $6,500 for duos, $8,000 for groups (3-4 people), and $9,500 for groups (5+ people) regardless of the number of applications made in that period.
Eligible Projects:

Independent tours, tours in conjunction with other artists/groups, and other performances. Promotional dates such as radio appearances will be considered.

Tours must take place outside of Newfoundland & Labrador with a minimum of six (6) confirmed dates. These six confirmed dates must take place in at least three (3) different municipalities outside of the province. For example, 3 shows at the same festival or event do not count as 3 different municipalities.

Ineligible Projects:
  • Educational, professional development activities, recording, marketing and promotion. Please see separate funding programs available through MusicNL
  • Projects that do not have a performance component.
  • Projects with less than six (6) confirmed dates.
  • Projects with less than three (3) municipalities
  • Applications received less than two weeks before project starts.


Eligible Expenses:
  • Travel, including all transportation costs to, from, and within the target market(s)
  • Accommodations
  • Per diems (provincial government rates only –https://www.gov.nl.ca/exec/tbs/working-with-us/meal-rates/)
  • Project specific promotional expenses
  • Rentals of equipment
  • Side musician fees
  • Other support personnel which may include but is not limited to tour manager, sound tech, and lighting tech (must be accompanied by a signed agree – click here to learn more)
Restrictions to Eligible Expenses:
  • Economy rates for flights, hotels and vehicle rentals
  • Mileage under Government of Newfoundland and Labrador provincial rate eligible only when using privately owned vehicle.
  • Promotional costs are eligible if limited to a specific project and during the specific project period.
  • In order to access per diems, side musician fees, or support personnel fees, applicant must have signed agreements outlining the description of the work being completed and number of performances/travel days. 
  • Any side musician or support personnel contracted must be a current resident of Newfoundland and Labrador where possible.
  • Only those expenses incurred after the application has been received by MusicNL will be considered eligible.
  • Any expenses to be paid by the promoter, buyer, or venue to the artist applicant must be included at the time of application and also declared as artist’s revenue. For example, travel buy outs, meal buy outs, and any other expenses paid as part of a performance agreement. 
  • Any expense covered by another funding Agency such as ArtsNL or FACTOR must be included at the time of application and also declared as artist’s revenue.
Ineligible Expenses:
  • Manager and booking agent fees.
  • Award show ticket purchases
  • Office rent and office wages
  • Capital costs (ex: purchase of instruments, equipment, etc.)
  • Any and all expenses not mentioned under eligible expenses

How to Apply

Mandatory requirements:
  1. Applications must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of project start date.
  2. You are required to provide a complete context for the tour you are undertaking (full overview, schedule/timeline and/or impact in your career)
  3. Attach proof of confirmation of each touring date (email, text, letter, contract, ticket website, etc).
  4. Attach a separate complete budget that reports the full cost and projected revenue of the project (i.e., all expenses incurred even if not eligible under this program.) The projected revenue includes other applicable funding sources (personal savings, ticket sales, merch sales, FACTOR Funding, SOCAN Foundation, Canada Council, label contribution etc).
  5. Provide proof of booking for travel, accommodations, conference/festival registration and if applicable, a side musician contract for all members of the traveling group.
Important Notes
  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • Applicant can incur into expenses before applying to the program, but also understanding that MusicNL funding is not guaranteed.
  • Your application will not be reviewed if you have a final report that is overdue within this program.
  • Travel to MusicNL Week and the ECMA’s is not eligible under this program. Travel subsidies will be available for members attending these conferences.
  • Successful applicants will receive investment support until funding for the fiscal year is exhausted. Money left over will be held for the next funding period.
  • MusicNL reserves the right to decline or approve any application.
How are decisions made?
  • The MusicNL Funding Committee is made up of a minimum of three (3) industry professionals and a Government Liaison.
  • These meetings happen each last Friday of the month and are facilitated by the MusicNL Programs Manager.
  • Your application form and supporting materials should provide all the information the committee needs to know about you and your project.
  • Please allow for up to 8 weeks for decisions to be made on applications.
  • The Funding committee reserves the right to request further information before approving or declining any application.

How to receive my grant

Payment Process:
  • Payment will be issued with 75% in advance and 25% upon completion of final report.
  • Approved applicants are required to sign a Funding Agreement that outlines terms and conditions of funding. This agreement needs to be send back to Program Manager for processing first payment. Failure to complete this document will result in delays.
  • We process payment weekly on Thursdays. Once processed, you will receive a confirmation email through the platform Plooto which will provide the amount you are receiving and the estimated credit date.
Project Completion:
  • Approved applicants are required to submit a final report within thirty (30) days of the project end date.
  • MusicNL reserves the right to a period of four weeks (20 business days) in order to process a claim once all appropriate receipts and final report are received.
  • The final report must include:
    • A written narrative outlining details of the project and next steps.
    • A detailed financial statement of actual revenues and expenses accompanied by copies of original receipts/invoices with proof of payment (ex: e-transfer confirmation, bank statements, etc.) as supporting documentation. This information must be laid out in spreadsheet format.
  • There are report templates available! Please contact Program Manager.
  • Repayment of a portion or all of the advance payment shall be required if receipts do not exceed the 75% advance payment.

Mariana Castro-Carvajal
Phone: (709) 754-2574 ext. 4